Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in BFSU-SolBridge International School of Business & Study in ibsbfsu

Get full scholarship and study in Beijing!

In each academic year we offer full and half-full scholarship to 5 students. With full scholarship, students get 100% exemption of their first year tuition fees. And with half-full scholarship, students get 50% exemption of their first year tuition fees.

Application requirements:

Full scholarship: the average score of the first five semesters in high school exceeds 90/100 / being at top 5% of the same-grader ranking / get A or above at all subjects. Besides, the average score of English should be 85/100 or above / IELTS 7.0

Half-full scholarship: the average score of the first five semesters in high school exceeds 85/100 / being at top 15% of the same-grader ranking / get B or above at all subjects. Besides, the average score of English should be 80/100 or above / IELTS 6.5

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